Saturday 30 April 2011

It's the end of the holidays...

...and I haven't managed to complete as much as I wanted to, only starting a few horses and not finishing any! But here's what I've been up to...

I've semi-primed and started prepping some of these bodies - from L to R; unknown Bullyland horse (still priming), a Breyer classic Johar body (needs huge amount of prepping - will probably be grey, but a much better one from her last paintjob, I add shamefully, by me!), a re-positioned and re-sculpted Breyer Mini Whinny (needs a bit more prepping, may go palomino) and a Schleich mare, not sure what breed or mould (needs a bit more prepping, may also be palomino, or bay).

I've hacked up this poor, unsuspecting flockie (he was originally walking) and he will hopefully become an eventer of some sort. He's about SM scale. I might hair him, if I can get good enough...

Leg placed in the position it will hopefully be. I also seem to have misplaced his hoof...whoops!

A Schleich Shetland stallion, who's on his way to becoming a BSP. He still needs more pinking, hair detail and spots, as well as a mane and tail.

A Safari mini (about SM pony scale) to a simple tri-colour skewbald. Still needs more deail, layers, mane and tail etc.

And a fjordling! Not quite as yellow as he seems, he has re-positioned front legs and a new mane. Still a lot of work to go on leg barring etc. 

I also started hacking up someone else - poor thing! He's a Schleich Shire who has lost a leg and will hopefully be standing. No pictures...sadly. ;)



  1. Ooooh, looking good! :D I do love those little safari ponies. ^^

  2. You've been busy! ^^ I love those ponies! And the schleich Shetland actually looks better in that colour! I never liked him much but I guess schleich photos don't do him justice...
